During my time at UNT, I wrote occasionally for the on campus newspaper, The NT Daily. I also worked closely with NTTV, our campus television station. I wrote all the scripts for the packages. I shot video, conducted interviews, did research and edited footage for my stories. I was assisted by a classmate for the Youth Vote at the University of North Texas story. Below are the links to the published articles and also the news packags I completed.
Today reminds students to educate, prevent HIV/AIDS
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 2/7/08 Section: OPINION
It is a day many don't know about and it is not as widely regarded as it should be. Today, Feb. 7, 2008, is the eighth National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day.
Firing of Don Imus for racist remarks justified
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 4/18/07 Section: OPINION
Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary defines the word whore as 1 : a woman who engages in sexual acts for money : PROSTITUTE; also : a promiscuous or immoral woman 2 : a male who engages in sexual acts for money 3 : a venal or unscrupulous person.
Sen. Biden insults African-Americans
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 2/8/07 Section: OPINION
I wish I had $10 for every time an Anglo-American has called an African-American articulate or well-mannered. Contrary to popular belief, many African-Americans dislike when that happens. Being articulate has nothing to do with race, but everything to do with education/socio-economic levels and a myriad of other factors.
World AIDS Day reminds us of those who died from disease
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 12/1/05 Section: VIEWS
Nov. 29 was World AIDS Day. I was thinking of this day on Tuesday evening and my cousin came to my mind. I miss my cousin terribly. I never really got the chance to know Ronnie. He died Jan. 19, 1994, when I was 11 years old.
Parks' legacy will stand
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 10/27/05 Section: VIEWS
She has been called the mother of the civil rights movement. This week, we lost Rosa Louise Parks, a larger-than-life figure to people worldwide. Her 1955 refusal to give up her seat in the "colored" section to a white man would forever mark her life and legacy.
Christian hip-hop faces opposition from church
Olivia Sanders
Contributing Writer
Government views blacks as 'expendable'
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 9/9/05 Section: VIEWS I should be proud to be an American citizen. Thousands upon thousands of immigrants come to this country every year looking for the "American Dream." I should be glad of the fact that I was fortunate enough to be born in such a nation where I have freedom of expression and religion. http://media.www.ntdaily.com/media/storage/paper877/news/2005/09/09/Views/Government.Views.Blacks.As.expendable-1894033.shtml
America must not forget the dream
Olivia Sanders
Issue date: 1/20/04 Section: VIEWS
Yesterday, our nation celebrated the birthday of civil-rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
He was a man of vision, integrity, compassion and peace. He sought to make my life and the lives of countless other Americans a better one. He wanted to change how America dealt with people of color.